Walking in Armor

Sometimes as I’m scrolling through social media, listening to a friend talk, or listening to a podcast I will hear something I’ve heard before, but said in a way that gives me a completely new perspective.

Its a surprising “aha” moment in a statement or idea I thought I already understood.

I had one of those moments this week. I was outside working in the yard while listening to Priscilla Shirer speak about the armor of God.

She is such an amazing speaker and woman of God, I love listening to her. She doesn’t cut corners or shy away from revealing truth, no matter how painful. This week she hit the nail right on the head and I found myself having an amazing, (though painful) “aha” moment.

“Finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” Ephesians 6:10-12

God knew that we would have trouble, but in His mercy, He also gave us a way to stand. Not to fight under our own strength, but to stand FIRM.

Ephesians is my favorite book most days. Maybe its because I struggle with taking my thoughts captive and being swayed this way and that. I need all the reminders to love and stand firm, to live wisely and to submit to my husband instead of being super bossy (He is my friend too after all).

So when Priscilla started sharing about the six pieces of armor plus the one we forget (prayer), I was excited. I knew those scriptures well and was ready to hear her insight.

Spoiler alert: She shared that It was the belt of truth because the belt goes on first, it is the thing that all the other armor rests on. Truth is what we need to rest on FIRST.

It was at this point, that I had my moment. I’m certain it was the Holy Spirit gently revealing to me, because I am not that wise friends.

In that moment, I had this sudden realization that although I KNEW what the armor was and to pray and remind myself that I was clothed in it, I didn’t actually USE it most days.

It’s a choice to use. I can put it on and take it for granted, or I can really break it down and look closely. Am I actively USING the armor? Or just wearing it to look cool?

I can just put on the armor and trust that it will do it’s thing automatically like every appliance on my counter…but am I taking it for granted when I do that? Am I actively using this armor or just throwing it on so I can get to my coffee (which makes itself automatically)?

Here’s an example. A few weeks ago I was driving to work and at the last minute someone pulled out in front of me. I had to hit my brakes HARD. I was braced for impact because I was certain that I was going to hit that blue truck. The car behind me pulled over, waiting for impact. It was CLOSE. Everything on my passenger seat went flying. Once the shock of the near-impact wore off, I was angry.

How could he just do that? Didn’t he see me coming? Was he more important than me or what?


I wanted to tell everyone, post it on social media, complain to my husband and get sympathy…Then I went through the “what-if’s” What if I had been pushed off the over pass and landed upside down on the freeway. I could have died.. and this jerk just wanted to keep driving.

My emotions were feeling more justified by the minute. I felt Holy Spirit gently pause me, and I felt a nudge towards forgiveness…

Pfft. Bet me. That guy deserves my anger! I will be angry as long as I want to, thank you very much.

But then I saw in my mind how long I could hold on to it, and how silly it was to hold on to. I realized that I did NOT want to keep reliving this as long as it would take for my anger to mellow out. I knew I needed to forgive before things settled in any deeper.

But hold on. Let’s use this example to see how the armor can help.

“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:14

It FELT like that guy had no regard for anyone else… I immediately jumped to judgement. But I wasn’t using the truth that I had put on just that morning. The truth was… he was a jerk. Just joking, the truth was—God loves him. He is human and going to make mistakes, whether its a judgement call of distance, timing, a mistake of not seeing my grey van, or deciding he was more important than me. Regardless of the mistake He made, the truth is no one is perfect, and my anger is more likely to cause me to sin, than him to turn his truck around and apologize.

The breastplate of righteousness…reminds me that I am clothed in Jesus’ righteousness… not my own righteous indignation of what I’m entitled to.

I may have reacted better more quickly if I had taken time to be in the word. We are to have our feet “fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace” When I prayed the armor of God that morning, I guess that I thought God would put my shoes on for me, without me needing to tie them?

I needed to act like I had the gospel of peace on my feet! But I was acting like I was barefoot and stepped on glass.

Any encouragement to be angry that I heard from friends or coworkers could have been blocked easily with the Shield of Faith… knowing that God is justice and not my emotions. I am an adopted daughter of God, I have the helmet of salvation… this guy wasn’t stealing anything from me, and couldn’t hurt me unless I let him. Even if we had been in a wreck, it wouldn’t change who I am.

The sword of the spirit allows me to speak encouragement and blessing over him. It allows that near-miss encounter to become a prayer opportunity. Maybe one he desperately needs. Maybe its not about me?

“With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

Ephesians 6:18

Keep praying for ALL the Lord’s people. Even unaware, blue-truck driving ones.

Somehow Holy Spirit was able to take what Priscilla was saying and unwrap it in a whole new way. The truth settled over me, new perspective in one moment.

The armor of God empowers and protects me, so that I can serve HIM.

It wasn’t given to me so I could go out into the world and hide inside the armor of God like a turtle…it was given to me, to us, so that we could stand FIRM… knowing what God said, believing it and living it. Wearing the armor and standing against the schemes and darts thrown by the enemy, because He alone empowers me to do so. This armor is created to be used, not just worn for show! 

I need to put it on in the morning and speak the truth of what it means…it means I don’t have to cave to the whims of the world, I can stand firm! I don’t have to wear my past like a name-tag to be labeled by, I can stand firm! I don’t have to fear that I will lose everything, I can stand firm. I don’t have to be bothered and annoyed at what is on social media, I have peace! I can stand firm! I don’t have to worry about tomorrow, pandemic or not, because I have the Word of God in me, and I know the truth it holds and the truth of who holds tomorrow. I can stand firm. And Praise God for that!

Lord help me to use this armor instead of just being religious and saying the right things! Help me to use this shield you’ve given me to deflect shame and pride. Teach me and train me so that I know how to use the armor and not just pay lip service to nice words. It’s not about me Lord, and I ask for forgiveness for making it so! Teach me to love you Lord, and to seek you in everything. Give me strength to pause, and courage to forgive, humility to let it be about You. Its hard Lord, and I need grace. Teach me as I read your words and let them sink in, and give me wisdom from heaven everyday.



Here’s the link to the awesome message about the Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer


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