The Perfect Gift
I went to warm up my car yesterday morning and was met with a chilly blast of winter air. The ground was covered in glittering crystals. A completely smooth and perfect driveway, lightly iced trees and soft mist falling from above.
The yard lay quiet and still. Even the birds were still asleep. It was one of those perfectly still and serene moments that would make a perfect Christmas card.
Except that my son had completely trampled the yard the night before. Even that made me smile. He had discovered the first snow while feeding the dogs and couldn’t help it. Pure delight had overcome all his other senses. The fact that it was 26 degrees and he was barefoot was completely irrelevant.
He walked into the house carrying a snowball. “Look mom! SNOW!! ACTUAL SNOW!! I’m so excited… it’s finally snowing!! and LOOK it Sticks together!”
Messy hair, Pj pants with holes, a bright red nose and a question…”Can I save this snowball in the freezer? Pleeeeeeeeeease?”
How could I say no? Maybe I will save it in the freezer until he’s 30, these moments won’t happen forever. A ziplock bag of 12 year old joy.
He left and came back in five minutes later.
“Mom…look! It sticks really, really well!!”
This time he was holding a 10” snowball in the middle of the kitchen. He held it out in front of him, beaming from ear to ear.
“I could do anything with it. It sticks so much that I could make an igloo, or a snowman, or an upside down snowman. Look it doesn’t fall apart!”
He was holding it precariously in one hand now, it could fall to the floor or break apart any moment now with a big “plop.” I struggled a bit…I did not want to clean up a wet floor at bed time, but I didn’t want to interrupt his joy either.

I took the risk and let him finish telling me the long list of things that this snowball would accomplish in its lifetime and then shuffled him back out the door. (The ten inch snowball did not go in the freezer, in fact it became the middle of the cute snowman pictured above)
All of this happened after dark…after pjs, but before bed. Nothing interrupts the childlike wonder of snow and Christmas…not dark and especially not sleep.
And his boyish grin makes my proud-mama eyes brim. I remember when he was too small to be outside on his own.
It all goes so fast; too quickly.
In two weeks we will be past Christmas and heading into the New Year. Moments that count, but left only in our memories. Moments like these…giant snowballs with the potential for huge mess…held by a boy with a giant smile..those moments matter.
Kids pretending not to look at the gift tags on the freshly wrapped gifts, cookies that mysteriously disappear one at a time, board games on the floor, christmas movies watched, reminiscing by the tree, reading by the wood stove…all the good things. The stuff people write about and read about and wish they could bring back. The things we would bottle for safekeeping if we could. These are the moments of the season that I savor.
I am excited to spend the next few weeks busy in all the things of the season…Its busy and crazy, but I think that’s part of the charm. I am ready to be deep in the middle of all this good stuff. To make moments with the people I love. Even if they fly by.
My favorite part is the gift giving. I love the whole process. The browsing and matchmaking (Can I call it that?). The careful selection and contemplation and wrapping it up. Taking the time to put a nice bow on it.
I know everyone doesn’t enjoy this gift giving process like I do…because I’ve heard them tell me! Right now there are a few gift exchanges that are going on around me and I’ve gotten lots of questions about what gifts to give whom.
Gift giving is an expression of love. All we really want to do is show how much we care. Why is it so hard? Why do we stand at the store staring from one hand to the other? Because we care.
Without asking someone exactly what they want for Christmas it can be incredibly hard to get a thoughtful gift.
Let’s take the pressure off to start. It really is the thought that counts.
It is! Gift receipts are a beautiful thing.
Okay. So we want to gift well. How do you know?
This isn’t a perfect guide. Its just what I do to find a gift for someone. If what I have learned helps you, well then you’re welcome! If not, share your tips! We can all use a little extra help this time of year.
In case you haven’t heard of it before…a love language is the way that a person shows and receives love. This concept is based on a book by Gary Chapman called “The Five Love Languages,” that talks about five different ways that people show and receive love. If you’re curious, you can take a quiz to discover your love language here.
How a person shows love it is a pretty good indication of what makes them feel loved. We often show love the way we want to receive it. Keep that in mind as you read the next five sections. You will probably be able to identify who you are shopping for pretty quickly.
The Five Love Languages are:
- Words of Affirmation
- Physical Touch
- Acts of Service
- Gifts
- Quality Time
Lets jump in!

- Words of Affirmation
Have you ever met someone who speaks very carefully or seems to always be noticing what others do and encouraging them? Maybe they leave a lot of notes or seem to enjoy cards more than others. They might be a “Words of Affirmation” person.
They show love by encouraging and acknowledging others. They feel loved when others acknowledge them with compliments, encouragement and words of appreciation.
What to Give:
These are the people that actually read the cards! In fact for a “words of affirmation” person the card might be the most important part. Take some extra time to write something personal.
Quotes, sayings, journals to write in, framed scripture, or even just a simple gift that you think would fit them accompanied with a sincere note! It’s all about what you say or write. Be sincere!
Want to get really creative? Write a poem or a story about your friendship or relationship or get a favorite photo printed with some word art on it.

2. Physical Touch
The physical touch love language belongs to the huggers. The friends who run over and put their arm around your shoulder or touch your arm to talk. They snuggle, lean and love to be near you!
How do you fit a hug in a box for Christmas? How about some soft mittens or socks, or a cozy sweater? Anything that could feel like a hug, but better yet… deliver the gift in person along with a hug! Add the extra little bit by showing up somewhere unexpected with a gift and a warm cup of cocoa or coffee. Anything that reminds these dear friends that you are thinking of them and enjoy being close.

3. Acts of Service
Acts of Service people are usually busy people! They constantly serve selflessly and enjoy every bit of it! They are always stepping into action without a second thought (or maybe they jump in and do things anonymously). Anything that accomplishes something they would otherwise have to do themselves—is a gift.
The best way to bless an “acts of service” person is to jump in and help them out with life. Baking cookies or making homemade cocoa is always nice. Maybe treat them with a homemade “spa basket!” Consider cooking a meal for them or with them, a certificate to a service they use, or even get their car washed for them! You can plan to get a pedicure or manicure together. Anything that serves them or takes something off of their “to-do” list is a good idea!

4. Gifts
Gifts people love the challenge of finding the perfect thing for others. They will do detective work to figure it out. Often gifts people will be organizing the “Take a meal” service, Secret Santa exchanges or just show up with cookies or a surprise gift.
Many gifts people enjoy wrapping presents with bows and ribbon and pretty paper. They want the whole experience to be a good one. But don’t be intimidated! You don’t have to be a gifts person to get a gift right.
They love to receive any gifts any time. Anything that shows you were thinking of them!

5. Quality time
These people want face to face time. Quality friendship time, or just hanging out. They often want to just hang and don’t really mind What you’re doing as long as you’re doing it together. They will hang out in the room with people rather than by themselves. One on one time with friends highlights their day!
Gifting for Quality Time people should be something with the promise of time or a memory of a time spent together. Something that says “I want to spend time with you.”
A gift card to a restaurant, a board game, movie tickets or even a road trip. Anything that involves being together with their favorite people. Give them a recipe for some cookies you want help making…get creative!
Still not sure?
A gift with a handwritten card–delivered in person meets every love language.
Acts of Service-will be impressed with the handwritten note and the in-person delivery.
Physical Touch-will appreciate your presence and the hug.
Words of Affirmation– will love reading the note over and over and value your words.
Gifts- will enjoy the delight of receiving.
Quality Time-will appreciate the time you took to get to their doorstep.
When it comes to gift giving, there is no perfect gift. It really has to do with the thought. You know what they say…”It’s the thought that counts!”
So…what are your thoughts? What is your love language? What are your gift giving tips?
Answer below and you will be entered into the raffle for a $15 gift card to Sister to Sister! I will be drawing the name Monday, December 17th, 2018.
Merry Christmas!
Loved the article…not really sure what my love language is but I’m guessing acts of service???? As far as gift giving I usually ask someone who knows the person well for ideas if I am not sure. I love trying to find the perfect gift but if I don’t have the extra cash to buy something I get creative and do homemade gifts! Ps save me a snowball!!
Sounds like a good guess for you! I forgot to link the quiz for finding your love language! I went back and fixed it if you want to find out!
Asking someone who knows them for ideas is a great tip and homemade gifts are so fun!
I will totally save you a snowball if we get anymore! ????
Your idea that meets every love language is awesome and I plan to use it!
My girl, born a week before Christmas, is a gifts person. So since her 15th birthday, a particularly hard year, we’ve gotten her a gift for every day leading up to her birthday. 15 for 15. 16 for 16. And right now we’re in the middle of 17 for 17. A few of them are valuable gifts, but most of them are little things. A snack. A lip balm. A pair of fuzzy socks. A bath bomb. Just a little something to make her smile each day. I collect them for months, wrap them and put them in a large gift bag. She chooses one out at random each day. She loves it, and looks forward to it all year. Actually, I’m not even a gifts person, and I look forward to it all year too.